I can’t believe I haven’t been active on this site for over a year. My old subscription has laspsed and I don’t recognize my site. I’ll need to clean it up one day. A lot has changed in my life…hasn’t it for all of us? Unlike for many it wasn’t COVID that caused the changes…although it has been an unpleasant addition to life. I should have gone back to see where I left off, but honestly, I don’t think it will really matter. I am not the same person. I don’t have the same goals. I don’t look at this blog to be anything more than to document my goals, lessons, and ah-ha moments.

Box Lake. Last year after my move to this mountain range I know nothing about. I will enjoy getting miles in new places this year.

Where am I at today? I just signed up for a 20 mile race with 5000′ gain. I haven’t ran anything more than a good 5k in over a year. I’ve had long day runs, that added up to 15 miles, but there were lots of breaks/walking. It wasn’t easy, but I at least see with a little practice, I can find my groove. I am also looking to be more disciplined that before. I know what to expect on long runs, and what I am capable of. It can be more if I push myself harder than I did before in my training. I always looked at training as just getting my feet wet for the big race. I see now if I don’t put the work in during trainings the big day will not be as awesome. I will never run to win. I am just not that person. Instead, my mindset has changed to wanting to be better than I was before. And for me that should be a good goal.

Blah, Blah, Blah. Running is not my life. It never has been. Maybe that is why I didn’t push myself. Yet, I do love it. I see I am a happier person when I head out on the single track and get miles in. It will be harder now, because my running partner, Vivi, is older and she can’t put the miles in like she used to. She will….but she will suffer for it later. And as a pup mom, I can’t do that to her. So…I have to learn to run on my own. Which will be a huge change to my mountain running. I will also be less distracted at trying to keep an eye on that crazy pup. And, water breaks for her. And with that, I won’t get those added breaks I always got when I took care of her. So…needless to say, there will be a bit of adjustment with my training.

You never know which way to go, especially when they are both pretty well beat. I chose the right path. Right after the hill, they met up again. I guess the time spent thinking which way to go was unnecessary.

No frills. Just wanted to get this started and remember how it was to write, and this time for myself. If you read and enjoy…yay! This journey of life is something we can learn from each other. Do know, I enjoy reading about your life stories and adventures. I love learning from you and applying it to my life when it fits.

Happy 2022. Let’s see what this year brings.


Real talk here. How many times have you had big expectations in another person only to be let down? Or, if not let down, you realize you were not realistic in your expectations. Why do we place such importance on others– especially when they may not even know its lingering over them.

Keep on Reading!